Side Projects
Divvy-Bikes-Scraper is a Python script that enables a Divvy bikes member to export all their ride data into a .csv file.
Lyft, the operator of Divvy bikes, does not have a public API for Divvy bikes so I had to reverse engineer the necessary GraphQL requests using the Network tab in Chrome Dev Tools.
Link to repo on GitHub
Spowerfy-Redux is a web app written in React and Node that controls a user's Spotify playback to skip to the next song in a playlist at a specified interval (users can select between 5 - 120 seconds). Users also have the option to start
the playback on any of their active devices and any of their playlists. The ideal use case for Spowerfy is to automate your next power hour! 🍺
It is also a refactor of an existing project that I built back in 2020 in Python
with Flask which can be found linked here.
Link to project.
Link to repo on GitHub
GroupMe.FYI is a web app written in Django that authenticates with GroupMe allowing users to see key stats (total likes, total messages, etc.) about the user's groups.
Note: I'm currently working on porting over this project from Python to Ruby which you can find linked here on Replit
Link to repo on GitHub
Speech2Tweet is an Alexa skill I created where a user can send a tweet with their Echo device via dictation.
Originally, I wanted to create this Alexa skill using Python, but ran into issues with the handling of custom slot types (customer user input). I took the dead-end I ran into with Python as an opportunity to brush up on JavaScript. The embedded gif above shows the invocation of the skill in the Alexa Developer Console side-by-side with the output
on Twitter.
Note that the source of my "hello world" tweet is "Speech 2 Tweet"
Link to repo on GitHub